Starting from level 21, you can participate in the Team Chest!
All team members have the same target to reach to open the Team Chest.
To open the chest, you must finish as many levels as possible TOGETHER.
The Team Chest has three tiers, each determining the rewards the team members will get. The higher the tier you reach during the team chest run, the better the rewards!
Only players who contribute to the Team Chest by completing at least one level will receive the rewards.
The Team Chest lasts one week and resets every Sunday morning.
If your team reaches the goal within the time limit, you will collect all of the prizes and receive a more challenging goal for the next Team Chest. If your team does not reach the goal during the time limit, you will receive a less challenging goal for the next Team Chest (if it’s already not minimal).
Please note that you can only participate in the Team Chest when your device is connected to the Internet.
Please note that if you join a team after the team chest feature has already started, you’ll not be able to join the team chest, and you’ll have you wait for the next time.
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