As you progress in the game, some unique elements, aimed to make the game more fun and challenging will appear!
Wooden Box
A Wooden Box is a blocker element that prevents from making links through it. It can be cleared by linking bubbles next to it (Above, Below, Left, or Right). You can also use a Booster or a Super element to remove it from the board.
The Balloon element can be cleared by linking bubbles next to it (Above, Below, Left, or Right). You can also use a booster or super element to remove it from the board.
The Bubble is located on top of another element. It can be cleared in a few ways:
- Creating a link on the Bubble.
- Super Elements and Boosters can clear this element only when a bubble is inside.
Chick and Big Chick
To remove the Chick from the board, you need to bring it to the bottom row of the game board. You can do it by clearing the bubbles below it.
The Cloud is an element that is located above other elements, concealing them.
Reveal what is beneath the Cloud by:
- Linking bubbles next to the Cloud.
- Using Super Elements or Boosters.
When you trigger the Mailbo, it will release a letter needed to clear the level. The Mailbox can be triggered in three ways:
- If a regular Link occurs adjacent to it.
- If it’s in the range of a Super Element’ range.
- If any Booster effect hits it.
The Bottle element can be cleared by linking bubbles next to it (Above, Below, Left, or Right). To remove it, it must be triggered twice: the first hit will remove part of it, and the second one will remove it completely. You can also use a Booster or a Super Element to remove it from the board.
Wooden Planks
Wooden Planks are an element that blocks other items from making links through it. To crack it, you need to link adjoining bubbles (Above, Below, Left, or Right). After three cracks, it will be completely removed from the board. Super Elements and Boosters can also clear this element.
Box of Cans
Box of Cans is a blocker element that prevents from making bubble links through it. To remove it, you need to link adjoining bubbles (Above, Below, Left, or Right) 5 times. Super Elements and Boosters can also remove this element.
The Chain “locks” a bubble or any other element inside it. To remove it, you need to create a link with the bubble placed beneath the Chain or use a Super Element or a Booster.
Air Balloon
The Air balloon is an element that will move from the bottom of the board to the top after you clear its way. It will move as long as the bubble on top of him is clear. When the “Air balloon” reaches the top of the board, it will exit it.
When the Air balloon comes across any object, it will stop.
The Air balloon can move through the entire column as long as it's clear of any element.
The Ice is a freezer blocker, spreading ice on the board and removing bubbles. Each move you make that does not clear an Ice bubble will cause it to spread further on the board, making that bubble an Ice bubble. To clear the Ice, you must create a link with bubbles next to it. A Super Element or a Booster can clear the Ice as well.
Nailed Box
The Nailed Box is a blocker element that prevents making bubble links through it. To remove it, you need to link adjoining bubbles (Above, Below, Left, or Right). Super Elements and Boosters can also clear this element.
To clear the Battery, it must be triggered three times. It will be cleared by making links next to it (Above, Below, Left, or Right). Once you link bubbles next to the Battery, it will go down. Keep doing links until the Battery is empty.
The Crab is an element that will move from one side of the board to the other after you clear his way. When the crab reaches the opposite side of the board, it will exit it.
The Crab can move through the entire row as long as it's clear of any element.
Grass conceals elements beneath it, It can only be removed by hitting it with super elements or boosters, revealing the bubbles underneath.
Tribal Mask
Tribal Mask can only be cleared with a Super Element or a booster. Making a regular link next to Tribal Mask won’t affect it.
Lamps are an element that blocks the path. This element can be cleared by linking adjoining bubbles, using Super Elements or Boosters. You need to light up the entire group of Lamps in order to clear the path.
A Vase is an element that blocks other items from making links through it. To remove it, you must make adjoining bubble links four times. A Super Element or a Booster can also clear it.
The Aquarium is an element that will release fish when hit by a Super Element; the fish will advance your objective count.
The Backpack has two states: open and closed. It changes its state after every move you make. In the closed state, it can be removed by a booster or a super element. In the open state, the Backpack behaves like the bubble under it.
Additional moves
When this element is cleared, it will give you extra moves. A successful Link next to the Additional Moves (Above, Below, Left, or Right) will clear it. Super Elements or Boosters will also clear this element.
Donut Box
A Donut Box is a blocker element that prevents from making bubble links through it. Clearing the Donut Box will be in seven steps:
- The first tier of the donuts box can be removed only by Boosters or Super Elements.
- The six remaining tiers can be removed, one by one, by Boosters, Super Elements, or regular Links.
Film Reel
The film reel is an element that loses one bubble from its length every time it is triggered by a Booster, Super Element, or a regular bubble link.
Genie Lamp
Genie Lamp is an element that will reward you with a Super element once it is cleared. To remove the lamp, you will need to hit it four times.
Jungle Tree
The Jungle Tree is an element you need to grow from the bottom of the board to the top to complete the objective. After making a Link adjacent to the top of a Jungle Tree or hitting the top with a Super Element or a Booster, it will spread 1 bubble above it. To complete the objective, you must get all the Jungle Trees on the level to the top of the board.
Leprechaun Hat
The Leprechaun Hat is an element that you can collect rabbits from. Trigger it twice, and the hat will release a rabbit to add the objective.
Pocket Watch
Pocket Watch is a blocker that has two layers that need to be removed consecutively to eliminate it. The first layer must be removed with a Super Element or a Booster, while the second layer can be removed with a Super Element, a Booster, or a regular bubble link.
Teapot Set
Teapot Set is an element that can be cleared only by Super Elements or Boosters, regular Links won’t affect it. You will need to trigger it five times to clear it completely from the board.
The Penguin will spawn Ice on the game board. Every time you make a move that doesn’t clear any Ice cubes or Penguins, the Ice will spread from an existing Ice cube or Penguin, one bubble randomly either up, down, left, or right, making that bubble also an Ice cube. Linking bubbles next to the Penguin (left, right, up, down) will clear it. A booster will clear it if it is in the area of the Booster effect. Super Element’s effects will not clear the Penguin.
Hard Rock
The Hard Rock is a blocker element that prevents from making links through it. First, you need to crack it by hitting it with a Super Element or a Booster. Once cracked, it can be cleared in three ways:
- By a link of bubbles adjacent to it
- By a Booster
- By a Super Element, as long as the Hard Rock is inside the Super Element’s explosion area.
Spider Web
The Spider Web is an element that is attached on top of a bubble. To clear it, you need to do a link or use a Super element or a Booster with the bubble beneath the Spider web.
The Camera is an element that you need to trigger twice. Once it is triggered twice, it will give a photo that is needed to complete the objective. The Camera can be triggered in three ways:
- Regular Links
- Super Elements
- Boosters
Colored Giftbox
The Colored Giftbox is a blocker element that prevents from making links through it. To clear it, you need to link adjacent bubbles having the same color as on the Box.
Transparent Balloon
The Transparent Balloon appears with a color corresponding to a bubble in a level. Linking identical color bubbles of the same color as the colored Balloon next to it will clear it.
The Plane is an element with a color that, when triggered, will move and clear the objects in its path. To trigger the Plane, you need to clear a certain amount of bubbles of the same color as in the Airplane.
The Toad creates bubbles on the game board when activated, producing one bubble at a time in a random location. A player can activate the Toad by creating a link adjacent to it or using a booster to hit it. It stops creating bubbles when the target number of bubbles is reached.
The Canvas is a blocker with two layers that must be removed to clear it. Making an adjoining link with the same color as on the Canvas will remove it. When a Super Element hits this special element while it already has a color, the element will be cleared.
Gumball Machine
Gumball Machine is a creator of balloons. It will create 1 Balloon each time it is triggered. It can be triggered by an adjacent link, a Super Element, or a Booster. The balloon will randomly spawn and replace a regular bubble available on board.
The Sketchbook will change the bubble color after every move you make. Creating a link with the same color as in the Sketchbook next to it will clear it. You can also use a Super Element or a Booster to clear it.
The Kettle is a creator of clouds. It will create 1 Cloud each time it is triggered. It can be triggered by an adjacent link, a Super Element, or a Booster. The Cloud will spawn on a random bubble on board.
Viking Boat
The Viking Boat is an element with a variable length that blocks other bubbles from being linked. For each shield with a color, the player needs to create a link near each shield with the corresponding color to clear the entire element.
The Milkshake is a blocker with two tiers that must be removed consecutively to clear it. The first tier can be cleared with a regular link adjacent to the Milkshake, a Super Element, or a Booster. The second tier can only be removed with a Super Element or a Booster.
Paint Wheel
The Paint Wheel is a blocker that needs to be removed from the game board. To do so, you need to link adjacent bubbles with the same colors as in the Paint Wheel.
Deck of Cards
The Deck of Cards is an element that comes with Tiers and colors. You must create a link with a corresponding color to clear each tier. Once the deck of cards is completely cleared, it will grant you a Bubble Remover super element.
Mud is an element that conceals elements beneath it and prevents making links through it. Mud will be cleared when:
- A regular link is made near it
- It is hit by a Super Element
- It is hit by a Booster
- It is hit by another element with a similar effect
Dynamite + Stone Wall
The Dynamite is a blocker with a color on it and a counter. Once the counter reaches “0” the Dynamite and all the connected Stone Wall bubbles are removed. When you remove bubbles with the same color as the Dynamite anywhere on the board, the counter will decrease by the number of bubbles removed. Once the counter reaches ‘0’, both the Dynamite and all the Stone Walls connected to it are cleared.
The Helicopter is an element that will move from the bottom of the board to the top of the board after the player clears his way. When the Helicopter reaches the top of the board, it will exit the board.
Dog Slinky
The Dog Slinky is an element that has two edges that need to be joined. When both edges (front and back) are adjacent, they are joined.
Bubbles Display
The Bubbles Display is an element that contains 12 small colors inside. To clear this element, you must clear all the colors inside by linking near the element with specific bubbles.
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