If you did not receive the items from your recent purchase, please make sure to check the following:
- Purchases might take up to 48 hours to be delivered to an account.
- We recommend restarting the game. A new connection might help in this type of situation!
If you don't receive your purchase after 48 hours, please open a new ticket in English and choose there under Type of Issue: Purchase related > I have problem with the items > I didn't receive my purchased items. Make sure to provide us with the following information:
- Game name;
- Unique ID;
- Screenshot of the full receipt
- Content of the offer (if you received some of the items, which items are you missing?)
If your purchase was done using an Android device:
- A refund can be processed or missing items can be credited after investigation.
The full receipt of the purchase will show the Transaction ID, which looks like "GPA.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX". A screenshot of the purchase with this ID is key for us to investigate the issue.
If your purchase was done using an iOS device:
- We are unable to process refunds but missing items can be credited after investigation.
To request a refund from iTunes, please follow this link.
Remember, when performing a purchase, make sure:
- you are using a strong network connection
- you don't have more than one game account on your device
- you don't share payment information across more than one account or have multiple Store accounts (App Store, Play Store, etc) from which purchases are made
so no errors or sync issues happen during the transaction!
When submitting a ticket please make sure to always reply to the same ticket. Do not create new tickets about the same subject. The investigation might be affected or even take longer due to this. Thank you!
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